Judicial System of the Republic of Armenia, Judicial Reform Strategy, Judicial Vetting in Armenia: the Distance Learning Course of the ACSYL was held

On 12 May, 2020, the regular distance learning course of the 5th stream of the Anti-Corruption School for Young Leaders took place. The topic of the course was “Judicial System of the Republic of Armenia, Judicial Reform Strategy, Judicial Vetting in Armenia.” Ms Syuzanna Soghomonyan, a Lawyer/Anti-Corruption Expert at the Armenian Lawyers’ Association delivered the lecture.
The lecturer presented the general description of the RA judicial system, as well as the structure and authority of the Supreme Judicial Council. Further she mentioned all the necessary qualifications to become a judge.
Suzanna Soghomanyan presented the vetting in the judicial system and attached importance to the political, institutional, personal, legal, operative and time conditions to implement it. She touched upon the undesirable consequences of vetting, presented the stages of implementation and the formation of vetting mechanisms.
The lecturer spoke about the Judicial and Legal Reform Program for 2019-2023, referring to the transitional justice mechanisms in the program, and also presented the latest changes in the judiciary.
The students received their regular assignment within the framework of the topic.