
Endorsed by The 8th General Assembly of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Armenia

December 8, 2023

Approved by The Governing Board of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Armenia

December 26, 2023


YEREVAN – 2023

About the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia

On November 28, 2014, 60 civil society organizations from Yerevan and the regions of the Republic of Armenia adopted the declaration on the establishment of the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition, thereby founding the Anti-Corruption Coalition of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) of Armenia.

The objectives of the Coalition are:

  1. To increase the effectiveness of public oversight by CSOs over the government’s anti-corruption reforms,
  2. To contribute to the strengthening and development of anti-corruption institutional mechanisms,
  3. To contribute to raising the level of anti-corruption perception and awareness in society, and to protect the rights of citizens who have fallen victim to corruption,
  4. To strengthen the capacities of CSOs related to monitoring, public oversight, and implementation of anti-corruption activities.

The Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia is an informal network structure that organizes its work through regulations approved by the General Assembly of member organizations.

Civil society organizations, including social movements, initiatives, business and local government associations, and media outlets that have joined the Coalition’s Declaration, accept these Regulations, contribute to the realization of the Coalition’s goals through their activities, and make voluntary financial support payments to ensure the operation of the Coalition’s secretariat can be members of the Coalition. The decision on admission to the Coalition is made by the Coalition’s Governing Board based on a written application, with the recommendation of at least two members of the Governing Board.

Currently, 54 CSOs from Yerevan and the regions of the Republic of Armenia are members of the Coalition.

Coalition documents:

Coalition Declaration – Regulations of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia – List of members of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia –

Coalition Governing Board:

The current Governing Board consists of 7 members of the coalition. This composition was elected by the 8th General Assembly of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia held on December 8, 2023.

Vision, Mission, and Values of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia: Vision:

To strive for building a happy, harmonious, and corruption-free society.


To contribute to the elimination of corruption in Armenia through forming a demand for honest governance among society and public servants by personal example, and through the introduction of anti-corruption strategies in public and private structures.


Honesty, leadership, teamwork, integrity, justice, solidarity, innovation, purposefulness, courage, and forgiveness.

Strategic Goals, Objectives, and Action Plan of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia Goal

  1. To increase the effectiveness of public oversight by civil society organizations (hereinafter referred to as CSOs) over the government’s anti-corruption reforms:

Objective 1.1.

To subject to public oversight and monitoring the anti-corruption component of the Government of the Republic of Armenia’s 2021-2026 program, the Public Administration Reform Strategy and its 2022-2024 roadmap, the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Armenia and its 2023-2026 Action Plan:

Action 1.1.1

Monitor the anti-corruption component of the Government of the Republic of Armenia’s 2021-2026 program, the Public Administration Reform Strategy and its 2022-2024 roadmap, and present annual reports on the conducted monitoring to the public, government, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Period: 2024-2027 Implementation timeline: 2024-2027 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Action 1.1.2

Monitor the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Armenia for 2023-2026 and present annual reports on the conducted monitoring to the public, government, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Period: 2024-2027 Implementation timeline: 2024-2027 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Action 1.1.3

Monitor the implementation of actions and works envisaged by the 2023-2026 Action Plan arising from the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Armenia, their effectiveness and compliance with the planned schedules, prepare and present annual reports on the conducted monitoring to the public, government, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Period: 2024-2027 Implementation timeline: 2024-2027 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Action 1.1.4

Monitor the financial assessment of the 2023-2026 Action Plan arising from the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Armenia and present annual reports on the conducted monitoring to the public, government, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Period: 2024-2027 Implementation timeline: 2024-2027 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results

Cases of ineffective implementation of actions and works envisaged by the anti-corruption component of the Government of the Republic of Armenia’s 2021-2026 program, the Public Administration Reform Strategy and its 2022-2024 roadmap, and the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Republic of Armenia for 2023-2026, as well as facts of deviating from and postponing the implementation schedule have been recorded. Monitoring reports and recommendations regarding these have been presented to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, relevant anti-corruption bodies, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Objective 1.2.

To subject to public oversight and monitoring the fulfillment of international commitments undertaken by the Republic of Armenia in the field of anti-corruption:

Action 1.2.1

Conduct monitoring to identify facts of deviating from and postponing procedures and schedules for the implementation of commitments undertaken by the Republic of Armenia in the field of anti-corruption, including the anti-corruption component within the framework of the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, and the implementation of anti-corruption sub-goals and actions of the SDGs:

Period: 2024-2028 Implementation timeline: 2024-2028 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results

Facts of deviating from and postponing procedures and schedules for the implementation of commitments undertaken by the Republic of Armenia in the field of anti-corruption, including the anti-corruption component within the framework of the Armenia-EU Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, and the implementation of anti-corruption sub-goals and actions of the SDGs have been recorded. Monitoring reports and recommendations regarding these have been presented to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, relevant anti-corruption bodies, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Objective 1.3.

To implement public oversight over the policy implemented in the field of public procurement and reserves, local government procurement, and procurement within the framework of extra-budgetary funds.

Action 1.3.1.

Implement public oversight over the policy implemented in the field of public procurement and reserves, local government procurement, and procurement within the framework of extra-budgetary funds, conduct investigations in the field of public procurement through or other media, thereby revealing corruption risks in the field, organize public discussions with representatives of competent state and local self-government bodies, CSOs.

Period: 2024-2027 Implementation timeline: 2024-2027 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results

Issues and existing corruption risks in the field of public procurement and reserves, local government procurement, and procurement within the framework of extra-budgetary funds have been recorded. Reports and recommendations regarding these, as well as the results of investigations conducted through and other media, have been presented to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, relevant anti-corruption bodies, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Goal 2. To contribute to the implementation and development of effective policies and mechanisms aimed at eliminating corruption, to promote the development of a conscientious, transparent, accountable, and professional governance system:

Objective 2.1.

To contribute to the development of professional bodies of the anti-corruption system of the Republic of Armenia based on evidence-based successful international experience.

Action 2.1.1.

Based on studies conducted by the Coalition and the Armenian Lawyers’ Association, including international experience, implement advocacy and consultation aimed at the institutional development of professional bodies of the anti-corruption system of the Republic of Armenia, including their independence and effectiveness, among the public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, private sector, and media. Implement public monitoring of professional bodies of the anti-corruption system of the Republic of Armenia.

Period: 2024-2028 Implementation timeline: 2024-2028 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results

The importance and necessity of having professional anti-corruption bodies in the Republic of Armenia has been raised among the public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, private sector, and media. The institutional development of professional bodies of the anti-corruption system of the Republic of Armenia, including their independence and effectiveness, has been implemented. Monitoring reports and recommendations regarding these have been presented to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, relevant anti-corruption bodies, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Objective 2.2.

To contribute to the development of the whistleblowing system in the Republic of Armenia, the protection of whistleblowers’ rights, and the development of the unified anonymous electronic platform for state whistleblowing.

Action 2.2.1.

Contribute to the implementation of reforms of the Law on the Whistleblowing System of the Republic of Armenia, implement advocacy and consultation aimed at raising public awareness about the unified anonymous electronic platform for state whistleblowing, whistleblowers as honest, law-abiding citizens, and the protection of whistleblowers’ rights among the public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, private sector, and media. After the introduction of the unified anonymous electronic platform for state whistleblowing in the Republic of Armenia, support its institutional development and implement public monitoring.

Period: 2024-2028 Implementation timeline: 2024-2028 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results

The level of awareness, importance, and necessity regarding the unified anonymous electronic platform for state whistleblowing, whistleblowers as honest, law-abiding citizens, and the protection of whistleblowers’ rights has been raised among the public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, private sector, and media. Monitoring reports and recommendations regarding these have been presented to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, relevant anti-corruption bodies, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Objective 2.3.

To develop the public anonymous electronic platforms for whistleblowing and

Action 2.3.1.

Implement advocacy and consultation aimed at raising public awareness, including business community awareness, about the public anonymous electronic platforms for whistleblowing and among the public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, private sector, and media. Support the institutional development of the public anonymous electronic platforms for whistleblowing and

Period: 2024-2028 Implementation timeline: 2024-2028 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results

The level of awareness, importance, and necessity regarding the public anonymous electronic platforms for whistleblowing and has been raised among the public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, private sector, and media. Whistleblowers’ applications have been recorded and directed to state bodies, monitoring of issues raised in these applications has been carried out. Monitoring reports and recommendations regarding these have been presented to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, relevant anti-corruption bodies, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Objective 2.4.

To contribute to the implementation of reforms of the institutions of illicit enrichment and confiscation of property of illegal origin and to the monitoring of such cases.

Action 2.4.1.

Contribute to the implementation of reforms of the institutions of illicit enrichment and confiscation of property of illegal origin, increase the effectiveness of the application of these institutions, implement monitoring of such cases. Support the development of professional capacities of persons conducting investigation, preliminary investigation, and trial in cases of illicit enrichment and confiscation of property of illegal origin.

Period: 2024-2027 Implementation timeline: 2024-2027 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results

Reforms of the institution of illicit enrichment have been implemented, the effectiveness of the application of the institution of illicit enrichment has been increased, and monitoring of illicit enrichment cases has been carried out. A methodological guide for the investigation of illicit enrichment has been developed. The professional capacities of persons conducting investigation, preliminary investigation, and trial in illicit enrichment cases have been developed through organized trainings. Monitoring reports and recommendations regarding these have been presented to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, relevant anti-corruption bodies, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Objective 2.5.

To contribute to the reform of the institution of beneficial owners in the Republic of Armenia based on evidence-based successful international experience.

Action 2.5.1.

Based on studies conducted by the Coalition and the Armenian Lawyers’ Association (including international experience) on the institution of beneficial owners, including the submission of declarations on beneficial owners, contribute to the implementation of advocacy and consultation aimed at reforms of the institution of beneficial owners in the Republic of Armenia among the public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, private sector, and media. Support the institutional development of the register for submitting declarations on beneficial owners in the Republic of Armenia and implement public monitoring.

Period: 2024-2028 Implementation timeline: 2024-2028 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results

The importance and necessity of reforming the institution of beneficial owners in the Republic of Armenia has been raised among the public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, private sector, and media. The institutional development of the register for submitting declarations on beneficial owners has been implemented. Facts of deviating from and postponing procedures and schedules for the reforms of the institution of beneficial owners in the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, as well as their improper implementation, have been recorded. Monitoring reports and recommendations regarding these have been presented to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, relevant anti-corruption bodies, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Objective 2.6.

To contribute to the implementation of reforms of the institution of criminal liability of legal entities and the introduction of anti-corruption compliance programs in economic companies of the Republic of Armenia.

Action 2.6.1.

Based on studies conducted by the Coalition and the Armenian Lawyers’ Association (including international experience) on the implementation of reforms of the institution of criminal liability of legal entities and the introduction of anti-corruption compliance programs in economic companies, contribute to the implementation of advocacy and consultation aimed at reforming the institution of criminal liability of legal entities and introducing anti-corruption compliance programs in economic companies in the Republic of Armenia among the private sector, public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, and media. After the introduction of anti-corruption compliance programs in economic companies in the Republic of Armenia, implement public monitoring of this.

Period: 2024-2028 Implementation timeline: 2024-2028 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results

The importance and necessity of reforming the institution of criminal liability of legal entities and introducing anti-corruption compliance programs in economic companies in the Republic of Armenia has been raised among the private sector, public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, and media. The institutional development of the body(ies) and organization(s) dealing with the reform of the institution of criminal liability of legal entities and the introduction of anti-corruption compliance programs in economic companies has been implemented. Facts of deviating from and postponing procedures and schedules for the reforms of the institution of criminal liability of legal entities and the introduction of anti-corruption compliance programs in economic companies, as well as their improper implementation, have been recorded. Monitoring reports and recommendations regarding these have been presented to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, relevant anti-corruption bodies, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Objective 2.7.

To contribute to the reform of the institution of gifts for persons holding public office and public servants in the Republic of Armenia based on evidence-based successful international experience.

Action 2.7.1.

Based on studies conducted by the Coalition and the Armenian Lawyers’ Association (including international experience) on the institution of gifts for persons holding public office and public servants, contribute to the implementation of advocacy and consultation aimed at reforms of the institution of gifts for persons holding public office and public servants in the Republic of Armenia among the public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, private sector, and media. Support the institutional development of the institution of gifts for persons holding public office and public servants in the Republic of Armenia and implement public monitoring.

Period: 2024-2028 Implementation timeline: 2024-2028 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results

The importance and necessity of the institution of gifts for persons holding public office and public servants in the Republic of Armenia has been raised among the public, relevant bodies, local self-government bodies, CSOs, private sector, and media. The institutional development of the institution of gifts for persons holding public office and public servants has been implemented. Facts of deviating from and postponing procedures and schedules for the reforms of the institution of gifts for persons holding public office and public servants, as well as their improper implementation, have been recorded. Monitoring reports and recommendations regarding these have been presented to the Government of the Republic of Armenia, relevant anti-corruption bodies, international organizations, and other interested parties. The public monitoring reports have been publicized and published through websites and media, including

Goal 3. To contribute to the formation and establishment of the perception of corruption as a threat to society, to form an environment of intolerance and contempt towards corruption, to create a demand for honest governance in society, and to raise public awareness through the reactivation of anti-corruption centers based on anti-corruption education, prevention of corruption, and inevitability of punishment.

Objective 3.1.

Formation of anti-corruption behavior in society, raising the level of legal awareness and anti-corruption perception of the population.

Action 3.1.1.

Formation of high legal culture and anti-corruption behavior in society, raising the level of legal awareness and anti-corruption perception of the population through the implementation of accessible anti-corruption educational programs in preschool institutions, schools, secondary vocational institutions, universities, state bodies, local self-government bodies, private economic companies, CSOs and other organizations, as well as through media, including

Period: 2024-2027 Implementation timeline: 2024-2027 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results:

A high level of anti-corruption behavior will be formed, which will lead to an increase in the level of legal awareness and anti-corruption perception of the population in the Republic of Armenia. The citizen of the Republic of Armenia will become a partner of the government in the fight against corruption. All this will contribute to the reduction of the level of corruption in the Republic of Armenia and the establishment of the rule of law.

Goal 4. To strengthen the capacities of CSOs related to monitoring, public oversight, and implementation of anti-corruption activities.

Objective 4.1.

Implement continuous training programs for Coalition member CSOs aimed at developing CSOs’ capacities for monitoring, public oversight, anti-corruption activities, and other necessary capabilities.

Action 4.1.1

Conduct monitoring to identify the monitoring, public oversight, and anti-corruption activity capacities of Coalition member CSOs, and based on its results, develop and implement continuous training programs for Coalition member CSOs aimed at developing CSOs’ capacities for monitoring, public oversight, anti-corruption activities, and other necessary capabilities.

Period: 2024-2027 Implementation timeline: 2024-2027 Responsible: Secretariat of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia, member CSOs of the Anti-Corruption Coalition

Expected Results:

Based on continuous training programs implemented on the basis of identifying the capacities of Coalition member CSOs, the monitoring, public oversight, anti-corruption activity capacities, and other necessary capabilities of Coalition member CSOs have been developed.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

The overall monitoring of the implementation of the strategic goals and objectives mentioned in this strategic plan will be carried out by the Coalition’s Governing Board, in close cooperation with the Coalition’s Secretariat, based on the study of the action plan, work plans, and implemented programs. An annual review of the strategic plan will be carried out by the General Assembly of Coalition members to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Coalition’s 2024-2028 strategic plan, based on a SWOT analysis, after which it will be approved by the Coalition’s Governing Board and posted on the Coalition’s official website.

Strategic Planning Implementation Process:

5.1 Working meeting of the Coalition Secretariat’s strategic planning group (Day 1)

Conducting SWOT analysis. Defining the vision. Defining the mission and values. Identifying main strategic directions (for 5 years) by priorities. Responsible person – Coordinator of the Coalition Secretariat, Participants – Members of the Coalition Secretariat’s strategic planning group (Yerevan, ALA central office). Date – December 4, 2023. Duration – 1 day.

5.2. Working meeting of the Coalition Secretariat’s strategic planning group (Day 2)

Responsible person – Coordinator of the Coalition Secretariat, Participants – Members of the Coalition Secretariat’s strategic planning group (Yerevan, ALA central office). Date – December 5, 2023. Duration – 1 day.

5.3 Development of the draft Coalition strategic plan

Responsible person – Coordinator of the Coalition Secretariat, Dates – December 05-07, 2023. Duration – 3 days.

5.4 Discussion and endorsement of the draft Coalition strategic plan by members of the Coalition General Assembly

Responsible person – Coordinator of the Coalition Secretariat, Participants – Members of the Coalition General Assembly Date – December 08, 2023. Duration – 1 day.

5.5. Finalization of the draft Coalition strategic plan

Responsible person – Coordinator of the Coalition Secretariat, Date – December 17, 2023. Duration – 1 day.

5.6. Approval of the Coalition strategic plan

Responsible person – Coordinator of the Coalition Secretariat, Participants – Members of the Coalition Governing Board Date – December 26, 2023 Duration – 1 day.