Donation Procedure

Approved by The Governing Board of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of Civil Society Organizations of Armenia

December 26, 2023

PROCEDURE for Voluntary Donations to be Made by Coalition Members to the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia

In order to stimulate the activity of member organizations of the Anti-Corruption Coalition of CSOs of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as the Coalition), to increase the synergistic effectiveness of the Coalition’s potential as a result of uniting their forces, to raise the level of motivation of the Coalition’s member organizations to cooperate within the Coalition, to ensure the effectiveness of the activities of the Coalition’s Governing Board (hereinafter referred to as GB) and secretariat, it has become necessary to regulate the motivational mechanisms of the Coalition’s member organizations and the mechanisms for financing the minimum conditions for ensuring the smooth operation of the Coalition’s governing bodies.

  1. Motivational Mechanisms for Coalition Member Organizations

The motivational mechanisms of Coalition member organizations should be aimed at realizing the goals stated in the Coalition’s founding declaration and the vision and values outlined in its mission, as well as expanding activities in accordance with them.

Accordingly, the motivational expectations of Coalition member organizations, the generation and use of resources aimed at serving them, should be generated.

In the context of the above, the fundamental directions of motivational mechanisms for Coalition member organizations are:

  1. Being a member organization of the Coalition is an honor for each organization,
  2. The Coalition member organization is convinced that close cooperation with other member organizations of the Coalition provides the synergistic energy that allows the Coalition to manifest itself in civil society with a more active and authoritative position,
  3. This synergistic energy of Coalition member organizations can have a significant positive impact on the involvement of the given Coalition member itself in public life and the development of its capabilities,
  4. Being a member of the Coalition can be a guarantee for the participation of Coalition member organizations in various programs aimed at ensuring and developing financial stability,
  5. Being a member of the Coalition can be a guarantee for the development of anti-corruption professional skills and expansion of the ranks of the members of those member organizations,
  6. Being a member of the Coalition can be a guarantee of unlimited use of various Coalition resources in accordance with the legal regulations established by the Coalition’s regulations and decisions made by the Coalition’s Governing Bodies,
  7. The Coalition member organization is interested in ensuring the active operation of the Coalition, for which purpose it consistently implements the decisions of the Coalition’s governing bodies, actively participates in the events and actions envisaged by them,
  8. The Coalition member organization comes up with initiatives aimed at raising the role and significance of the Coalition, which can be worthily evaluated by the decisions of the Coalition’s governing bodies.
  9. Mechanisms for Financing the Minimum Conditions for Ensuring the Smooth Operation of the Coalition’s Governing Bodies

Based on the above-mentioned provisions of the motivational mechanisms of Coalition member organizations, we record that membership in the Coalition should not only be an honor for each CSO member in the first place, but they should also serve as an incentive for their development and for ensuring the financial stability of the Coalition’s governing bodies.

In the context of the above, we consider it necessary to record that, as evidenced by the activities of both our and other coalitions, the motivation of organizations joining them is mainly to participate in grant programs and thereby raise funds. As a result, these CSOs are unable to ensure not only their institutional development, but also the stability of these coalitions. Therefore, it is proposed to clarify the list of Coalition member organizations in accordance with the legal regulations of the latest edition of the Coalition’s regulations and update it, taking into account their previous activity in the fields of anti-corruption and integrity, financial capabilities, experience, and the fact of being useful to the general coalition and public interest.

For the above-mentioned purpose, it is proposed to establish the following legal regulations and procedure for membership in the Coalition in accordance with the legal regulations of the latest edition of the Coalition’s regulations:

  1. The current member organization of the Coalition, starting from January 1, 2024, can make a monthly voluntary donation in the amount of 1,000 (one thousand) AMD or an annual amount of 12,000 (twelve thousand) AMD to the bank account specified in the support section of the Coalition’s official website,
  2. The member organization of the Coalition’s Governing Board, starting from January 1, 2024, can make a monthly voluntary donation in the amount of 2,000 (two thousand) AMD or an annual amount of 24,000 (twenty-four thousand) AMD to the bank account specified in the support section of the Coalition’s official website,
  3. A new member organization joining the Coalition, starting from January 1, 2024, can make a one-time voluntary donation in the amount of 5,000 (five thousand) AMD to the bank account specified in the support section of the Coalition’s official website,
  4. The current member organizations of the Coalition, starting from January 1, 2024, can make one-time voluntary donations to the bank account specified in the support section of the Coalition’s official website, determining the amount at their discretion.

III. Actions of the Coalition’s Governing Board and Secretariat Towards Accounting and Use of Voluntary Donations

The Coalition’s Governing Board: 1.1. Makes decisions on establishing and changing the amounts of voluntary donations from Coalition member organizations,

1.2. Makes decisions on the directions and amounts of use of funds collected from voluntary donations of Coalition member organizations. Moreover, they can be used only for:

  • Organization of Coalition assemblies,
  • Organization of the work of the Coalition’s Governing Board,
  • Organization of the smooth operation of the Coalition’s secretariat,
  • Financial support for experts for the development of the Coalition’s most important documents,
  • Financial support for extremely important anti-corruption activities of Coalition member organizations,

1.3. Establishes control over the targeted use of voluntary donations from Coalition member organizations,

1.4. Based on the report submitted by the Coalition’s secretariat, submits a report to the Coalition’s assembly on the amounts, directions of use, and effectiveness of voluntary donations collected from Coalition member organizations,

1.5. Based on the information provided by the Coalition’s secretariat, makes decisions on the fulfillment of obligations established by the Coalition’s regulations regarding the making of donations by Coalition member organizations and the application of appropriate measures of responsibility, regarding membership in the Coalition.

The Coalition’s Secretariat: 2.1. Carries out monthly accounting of voluntary donation amounts collected from Coalition member organizations in the bank account specified in the support section of the Coalition’s official website and periodically informs the Coalition’s Governing Board about it,

2.2. Carries out accounting of voluntary donations made by Coalition member organizations by organizations and types and amounts of donations,

2.3. Makes appropriate payments from these funds in accordance with the decisions of the Coalition’s Governing Board,

2.4. Submits proposals to the Coalition’s Governing Board regarding the directions of use of collected funds,

2.5. Once a quarter, submits reports on the collection of voluntary donations from Coalition member organizations and the use of these funds,

2.6. Submits proposals to the Coalition’s Governing Board regarding the fulfillment of obligations established by the Coalition’s regulations on making donations by Coalition member organizations and the application of appropriate measures of responsibility.