Monitoring of the Actions of Anti-Corruption Strategy and Its Implementation Action Plan implemented in the first half of 2021 is being carried out

On 3 October, 2019, the Government of the Republic of Armenia approved “The Republic of Armenia Anti-Corruption Strategy and Its Implementation Action Plan for 2019-2022”. The strategy envisages 48 measures, 2 of which have already been fully completed, and the remaining 46 are subject to regular implementation by 2022.
The actions in terms of content include the three pillars of the fight against corruption: prevention of corruption, anti-corruption education, investigation of corruption cases (inevitability of punishment).
The Armenian Lawyers’ Association and the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia are carrying out monitoring of the activities of “The RA Anti-Corruption Strategy and Its Implementation Action Plan for 2019-2022” to be implemented in the first half of 2021. At this stage, the draft of monitoring results have already been developed and submitted to the relevant competent authorities responsible for the implementation of the strategy for observation and recommendations.
The observations and recommendations of the competent bodies will be summarized on 7 December of this year, on the basis of which the final version of the report on the monitoring results will be published. The final version of the report will be presented on 9 December, the International Anti-Corruption Day, within the framework of the event to be organized by the ALA and the Coalition.