United Nations Association of Armenia (UNA Armenia)

The UN Association of Armenia (UNA Armenia) was established in 2005 to promote UN principles and programs in Armenia and to represent Armenian cultural heritage through the UN.
UNA Armenia plays a vital role in the development of civil society and democratic structures, actively promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and advocating for equal opportunities. The organization’s mission involves empowering individuals to assume responsibility for the future of their communities. UNA Armenia strives to foster collaborative environments where people unite, embracing values such as solidarity, peace, human rights, diversity, and responsible citizenship.
Since January 2005, UNA Armenia has been championing human rights and the rule of law, bringing together policymakers and stakeholders to address human rights issues and promote rights-based development in Armenia. The organization actively supports the Responsibility to Protect norm (R2P) and advocates for the inclusion of Goal 16 in the post-2015 Development Agenda (SDGs). Additionally, it lends its support to integration, community building, and social entrepreneurship, while engaging in activities such as social research, training, Model UN, conferences, and exhibitions. Through its extensive countrywide network of change agents, UNA Armenia works towards fostering the rule of law, good governance, anti-corruption measures, accountability, and transparency.
For the past decade, UNA Armenia has been actively engaged in fostering community development among young individuals. Adhering to a human rights-based approach, the organization emphasizes the promotion of accountability, transparency, and anti-corruption values within local governments and communities.