The Regular Session of the Governing Board of the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia was held

On 31 January, 2024, the meeting of the Governing Board of the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia took place online, electronically.
The topic of discussion of the session was the issue of approval of the statement of the CSO Anti-Corruption Coalition of Armenia about the result Armenia recorded in the corruption perception index.
As a result, the members of the Governing Board unanimously decided to approve the statement about the CPI result that Armenia recorded. The Statement was published on the official website of the Coalition and circulated among the mass media.
With this statement, the Coalition expressed its concern about the fact that systemic corruption in Armenia has not yet been overcome, which is why it is not actually manageable due to several main circumstances.
Notably, the Corruption Perception Index 2023 was published on 30 January, 2024, where Armenia has improved its index by 1 point in 2023 and recorded some progress in the fight against corruption, scoring 47 out of 100 possible points, and ranking the 62nd among 180 countries.